October 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Oct 1 12:19:42 EDT 2007
Ending: Wed Oct 31 23:50:07 EDT 2007
Messages: 191
- [mdlug] Linux server, mixed clients
- [mdlug] Linux and cell phones?
- [mdlug] test
- [mdlug] web gallery create
- [mdlug] web gallery create
- [mdlug] Gmail and imap support
- [mdlug] eBay phishing Linux-driven?
Rich Clark <rrclark at rrclark.net>
- [mdlug] Laptop repair
Rich Clark <rrclark at rrclark.net>
- [mdlug] Laptop repair
Rich Clark <rrclark at rrclark.net>
- [mdlug] test
Rich Clark <rrclark at rrclark.net>
- [mdlug] how did you learn Spam Assassin? (and sendmail?)
Rich Clark <rrclark at rrclark.net>
- [mdlug] Homemade Wireless Antennas
Rich Clark <rrclark at rrclark.net>
- [mdlug] K3bDevice::Device Unable to do inquiry
Rich Clark <rrclark at rrclark.net>
- [mdlug] Reordeing IDE drives in a system
Robert Adkins
- [mdlug] Here's my idea and rough sketch plan, is it feasible?
Robert Adkins
- [mdlug] Here's my idea and rough sketch plan, is it feasible?
Robert Adkins
- [mdlug] Here's my idea and rough sketch plan, is it feasible?
Robert Adkins
- [mdlug] Laptop repair
Robert Adkins
- [mdlug] Web filtering software
Robert Adkins
- [mdlug] Good Smart/PDA Phones (AT&T Service Compatible)
Robert Adkins
- [mdlug] Linux server, mixed clients
Robert Adkins
- [mdlug] mostly OT: catia v5 info
Robert Adkins
- [mdlug] Help with Spotty Internet/Network Problems
Dave Arbogast
- [mdlug] Here's my idea and rough sketch plan, is it feasible?
Peter Bart
- [mdlug] OT: It's crashing...
Peter Bart
- [mdlug] fix a frozen system with sysrq keys
Peter Bart
- [mdlug] Laptop Purchase Opinions Please
Peter Bart
- [mdlug] Finding The Deal on the Net
Peter Bart
- [mdlug] opensuse 10.3 and Ubuntu 7.04 Impressions
Peter Bart
- [mdlug] DSL 3.4.4 on a Toshiba Tecra 500 CDT
Peter Bart
- [mdlug] Linux and cell phones?
Peter Bart
- [mdlug] Laptop Purchase Opinions Please
Peter Bart
- [mdlug] Laptop Purchase Opinions Please
Peter Bart
- [mdlug] Laptop Purchase Opinions Please
Peter Bart
- [mdlug] Laptop Purchase Opinions Please
Peter Bart
- [mdlug] Reordeing IDE drives in a system
Joseph C. Bender
- [mdlug] Here's my idea and rough sketch plan, is it feasible?
Joseph C. Bender
- [mdlug] Here's my idea and rough sketch plan, is it feasible?
Joseph C. Bender
- [mdlug] Linux and cell phones?
Joseph C. Bender
- [mdlug] mostly OT: catia v5 info
Joseph C. Bender
- [mdlug] Help with Spotty Internet/Network Problems
Joseph C. Bender
- [mdlug] OpenSync & SyncML (formerly Re: Linux and cell phones?
Ron Blanchett
- [mdlug] If someone's going to steal your domain...
- [mdlug] Gmail and imap support
- [mdlug] OpenOffice easter eggs
Duane Brown
- [mdlug] Linux server, mixed clients
Robert G. Brown
- [mdlug] branching out
Michael Corral
- [mdlug] Gmail and imap support
Michael Corral
- [mdlug] Gmail and imap support
Michael Corral
- [mdlug] OBD fuel monitor fine tuning
- [mdlug] spamassassin regex decoded?
Dean Durant
- [mdlug] how did you learn Spam Assassin? (and sendmail?)
Dean Durant
- [mdlug] mostly OT: catia v5 info
Dean Durant
- [mdlug] Madriva 2008 gets Cedaga...
Rich Elswick
- [mdlug] Reordeing IDE drives in a system
Mathew Enders
- [mdlug] Linux and cell phones?
Elisa Gomez
- [mdlug] OpenSync & SyncML (formerly Re: Linux and cell phones?)
Elisa Gomez
- [mdlug] Help with Spotty Internet/Network Problems
Elisa Gomez
- [mdlug] Help with Spotty Internet/Network Problems
Elisa Gomez
- [mdlug] Help with Spotty Internet/Network Problems
Elisa Gomez
- [mdlug] eBay phishing Linux-driven?
Jeff Hanson
- [mdlug] Madriva 2008 gets Cedaga...
Jeff Hanson
- [mdlug] Laptop Purchase Opinions Please
Jeff Hanson
- [mdlug] Web filtering software
Jeff Hanson
- [mdlug] Linux and cell phones?
Jeff Hanson
- [mdlug] OpenSync & SyncML (formerly Re: Linux and cell phones?
Jeff Hanson
- [mdlug] K3bDevice::Device Unable to do inquiry
Jeff Hanson
- [mdlug] Help with Spotty Internet/Network Problems
Jeff Hanson
- [mdlug] Ubuntu Packaging Jam 2007
Jeff Hanson
- [mdlug] [Tech Support] Bitpim, LG VX6100, USB
Jeff Hanson
- [mdlug] Help with Spotty Internet/Network Problems
Rebecca Herber
- [mdlug] Help with Spotty Internet/Network Problems
Rich Hughes
- [mdlug] Wireless card recommendation -update-
Ingles, Raymond
- [mdlug] Web filtering software
Ingles, Raymond
- [mdlug] Windows repair tip - ntfsfix
Ingles, Raymond
- [mdlug] Linux and cell phones?
Ingles, Raymond
- [mdlug] Linux and cell phones?
Ingles, Raymond
- [mdlug] Linux and cell phones?
Ingles, Raymond
- [mdlug] If someone's going to steal your domain...
Ingles, Raymond
- [mdlug] test
Ingles, Raymond
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speedetc.]
Ingles, Raymond
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantagesspeedetc.]
Ingles, Raymond
- [mdlug] Reordeing IDE drives in a system
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] Reordeing IDE drives in a system
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] Laptop repair
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] Wireless card recommendation -update-
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] List wierdness
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] x11 programmer's calculator ???
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] mostly OT: catia v5 info
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] Reordeing IDE drives in a system
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] FS: lots of hardware
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] test
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speed etc.]
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] Dynamic storage system
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speed etc.]
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speed etc.]
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speed etc.]
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speedetc.]
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speedetc.]
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantagesspeedetc.]
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speed etc.]
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speedetc.]
Aaron Kulkis
- [mdlug] Linux and cell phones
David Lane
- [mdlug] Linux and cell phones?
David Lane
- [mdlug] Linux and cell phones?
David Lane
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speed etc.]
David Lane
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speed etc.]
David Lane
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speed etc.]
David Lane
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speed etc.]
David Lane
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speed etc.]
David Lane
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speedetc.]
David Lane
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speedetc.]
David Lane
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speed etc.]
David Lane
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speed etc.]
David Lane
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speedetc.]
David Lane
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantagesspeedetc.]
David Lane
- [mdlug] FS: lots of hardware
Mailing Lists
- [mdlug] test
Raymond McLaughlin
- [mdlug] test
Raymond McLaughlin
- [mdlug] List wierdness
Raymond McLaughlin
- [mdlug] x11 programmer's calculator ???
Raymond McLaughlin
- [mdlug] Laptop Purchase Opinions Please
Raymond McLaughlin
- [mdlug] Laptop Purchase Opinions Please
Raymond McLaughlin
- [mdlug] test
Raymond McLaughlin
- [mdlug] Dynamic storage system
Raymond McLaughlin
- [mdlug] Web filtering software
Robert Meier
- [mdlug] Linux and cell phones?
Robert Meier
- [mdlug] K3bDevice::Device Unable to do inquiry
Robert Meier
- [mdlug] MDLUG usage reminder
Robert Meier
- [mdlug] Unitrends (dis)recommendations
Robert Meier
- [mdlug] [Tech Support] Bitpim, LG VX6100, USB
Robert Meier
- [mdlug] how did you learn Spam Assassin? (and sendmail?)
Carl T. Miller
- [mdlug] web gallery create
Carl T. Miller
- [mdlug] web gallery create
Carl T. Miller
- [mdlug] Virtual Private Server hosting
Carl T. Miller
- [mdlug] Wireless card recommendation -update-
Michael ORourke
- [mdlug] Linux server, mixed clients
Michael ORourke
- [mdlug] Web filtering software
Michael ORourke
- [mdlug] Wireless card recommendation -update-
Michael ORourke
- [mdlug] Linux server, mixed clients
Michael ORourke
- [mdlug] Wireless card recommendation -update-
Michael ORourke
- [mdlug] Wireless card recommendation -update- WiMax
Michael ORourke
- [mdlug] Homemade Wireless Antennas
Michael ORourke
- [mdlug] Reordeing IDE drives in a system
- [mdlug] Reordeing IDE drives in a system
Dan Pritts
- [mdlug] Reordeing IDE drives in a system
Dan Pritts
- [mdlug] Reordeing IDE drives in a system
Dan Pritts
- [mdlug] Reordeing IDE drives in a system
Dan Pritts
- [mdlug] x11 programmer's calculator ???
David Relson
- [mdlug] x11 programmer's calculator ???
David Relson
- [mdlug] eBay phishing Linux-driven?
Michael Rudas
- [mdlug] [Wftl-lug] eBay phishing Linux-driven?
Michael Rudas
- [mdlug] OT: It's crashing...
Michael Rudas
- [mdlug] Free "Wireless Networking Starter" book
Michael Rudas
- [mdlug] Laptop repair
Michael Rudas
- [mdlug] Laptop Purchase Opinions Please
Michael Rudas
- [mdlug] K3bDevice::Device Unable to do inquiry
Michael Rudas
- [mdlug] Help with Spotty Internet/Network Problems
Michael Rudas
- [mdlug] Help with Spotty Internet/Network Problems
Bruce Smith
- [mdlug] Dynamic storage system
Joe St.Clair
- [mdlug] [Wftl-lug] eBay phishing Linux-driven?
Garry Stahl
- [mdlug] Laptop repair
Garry Stahl
- [mdlug] [Fwd: [Stilyagi] [Fwd: part-time it position]]
Garry Stahl
- [mdlug] More Laptop
Garry Stahl
- [mdlug] [Discuss] One laptop per child now costs $200
Garry Stahl
- [mdlug] x11 programmer's calculator ???
Mark Thuemmel
- [mdlug] Reordeing IDE drives in a system
Clinton V. Weiss
- [mdlug] x11 programmer's calculator ???
Clinton V. Weiss
- [mdlug] Here's my idea and rough sketch plan, is it feasible?
Adam Tauno Williams
- [mdlug] Laptop Purchase Opinions Please
Adam Tauno Williams
- [mdlug] Linux and cell phones?
Adam Tauno Williams
- [mdlug] OpenSync & SyncML (formerly Re: Linux and cell phones?)
Adam Tauno Williams
- [mdlug] x11 programmer's calculator ???
Adam Tauno Williams
- [mdlug] Linux and cell phones?
Adam Tauno Williams
- [mdlug] how did you learn Spam Assassin? (and sendmail?)
Adam Tauno Williams
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speed etc.]
Adam Tauno Williams
- [mdlug] [Fwd: Re: [opensuse] 64 bit vrs 32 bit advantages speedetc.]
Adam Tauno Williams
- [mdlug] branching out
- [mdlug] branching out
- [mdlug] x11 programmer's calculator ???
- [mdlug] test
- [Alpine-alpha] GMail IMAP and (al)pine
Damion Yates
- [Alpine-alpha] GMail IMAP and (al)pine
Damion Yates
- [mdlug] spamassassin regex decoded?
Flavio daCosta
- [mdlug] Wireless card recommendation -update- WiMax
gib at juno.com
- [mdlug] Wireless card recommendation -update- WiMax
gib at juno.com
- [mdlug] Help with Spotty Internet/Network Problems
gib at juno.com
- [mdlug] Help with Spotty Internet/Network Problems
gib at juno.com
- [mdlug] One laptop per child now costs $200
gib at juno.com
- [mdlug] Wireless card recommendation -update-
- [mdlug] Homemade Wireless Antennas
Last message date:
Wed Oct 31 23:50:07 EDT 2007
Archived on: Sun Oct 7 15:52:51 EDT 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).