[mdlug] Ubuntu Packaging Jam 2007

Jeff Hanson jhansonxi at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 11:51:33 EDT 2007

This was posted on the MUG mailing list and I wanted to make sure
everyone knew about it.  There was a Debian packaging presentation at
OLF which showed how complicated it was.  Some relevant links:
people.connexer.com/~roberto/debian (slides from the OLF presentation)

Rick Harding <r----- at mitechie.com>
The guys in the Ubuntu LoCo have been tossing the idea around of having
a Packaging Jam. A day where guys get together and tackle the learning
curve required to take software and package it for Ubuntu. I'm hosting
the event at my place in Clarkston MI on Sat. Nov. 3rd.

The flyer has the information about the event. Make sure you look at the
requirements before responding that you'd like to attend. The goal of
this is to get a core group of guys that can then go out and take what
they learn to teach/help other groups of people. In essence, to create
our own Michigan MOTU goto team.

If you have any questions please feel free to let me know. I'll actually
hand out directions once we get the spots filled.

Please feel free to pass this along to anyone not on these two mailing
lists that you think could be a great packaging asset.

Flyer Url:

Rick Harding

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