[mdlug] web gallery create

Carl T. Miller millerc at cantonpl.org
Sun Oct 28 12:23:32 EDT 2007

- wrote:
> I gave it a try, but some reason it does not like my php setup.  php works
> fine with my wordpress but not with gallery2.  it just wants to open the
> .php file as a test file.  was there a special setup that had to be done
> with apache.  I am running 5.1.2 of php

Okay, I just checked on the Debian system where I am running
gallery2.  It turns out I didn't use the Debian package.

Here are my cryptic instructions for what I did:

get tarball from http://gallery.menalto.com/
cd /var/www-ssl; tar xvfz gallery*z
ln -s gallery2 photos
in phpmyadmin, add user and database for gallery2
apt-get install netpbm
vi /etc/apache2/mods-available/php4.conf
    php_value memory_limit 16M
restart apache2
mkdir /var/lib/gallery2; chown www-data:www-data /var/lib/gallery2
hit <usr>/photos and fill in the blanks
uncheck modules: Migration, Nokia, Publish XP, WebCam, Debugging, Members,
  Quotas, User Albums, Fotokasten, Slideshow Applet, Square Thumbnails,
  Thumbnail Page, Comments, MultiLanguage, Rating, Dcraw, Ffmpeg,
  ImageMagick, Gd, RSS
in options, add new user, add to admin group, set registration to
  add local server upload path, send test email, etc.
edit modules/core/classes/GalleryTemplateAdapter.class at gallery.gif
edit files in themes/classic

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