[mdlug] Help with Spotty Internet/Network Problems

Elisa Gomez shmi85 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 28 17:41:55 EDT 2007

> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 23:05:25 -0400
> From: Rich Hughes <admin at linuxtechdaily.com>
> Subject: Re: [mdlug] Help with Spotty
> Internet/Network Problems
> To: MDLUG's Main discussion list <mdlug at mdlug.org>
> Message-ID: <4722AAF5.7040803 at linuxtechdaily.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> They may be throttling your connection. What torrent
> client do you use?
> KTorrent, in preferences, General settings, has a
> box to check to use
> protocol encryption. Try enabling protocol
> encryption and see if that
> helps. It won't offer you anonymity, but it does
> make the traffic harder
> to detect and thus throttle. You could also take
> another step and
> disallow unencrypted connections.
> I have AT&T U-verse service and had to do this. I
> was an early seeder
> for Mandriva 2008 right when I got U-verse and could
> not figure out why
> my speeds were so slow. Doing the above fixed it.
> Take care,
> Rich H.

I'm not entirely sure that they're throttling the
connection. I called again a day and a half ago, to
the DSL Line Maintainence help center, which tends to
be slightly more helpful than general tech support,
and I feel like they might have told me if I
transfering too much data. And frankly, it's TV shows,
so it was under 2gigs of downloads and probably about
the same amount of uploads, maybe a little bit less.
And that's unusually high for this week -- usually
it's about a gig combined, upload and download, each
week. I was being paranoid about copyright issues not
just the amount of data transferred. I changed the
settings on KTorrent to enable protocol encryption and
also to only allow encrypted connections. I don't know
how much that helped by itself, because I also stopped
all the torrents except for one, which meant my
connection went down every 45 minutes instead of every
20-30 minutes.

I googled for bittorrent + speedstream 4100, per joe
bender's advice and found, just as he did, a whole lot
of issues that the speedstream seems to have with
locking up when dealing with lots of connections. I
think getting a router might help with this, so the
modem can only deal with packet transfer and the
router can deal with the connections? If that's how
routers work, anyway. I'm really bad at network stuff


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