2019-09-14 Meeting
Presentation: Carl discussed when it makes sense to run a custom Certificate Authority (CA) and demonstrated how to implement one. The instructions need to be updated, but you can see the rough draft.
The Meeting Place for Linux Users
Presentation: Carl discussed when it makes sense to run a custom Certificate Authority (CA) and demonstrated how to implement one. The instructions need to be updated, but you can see the rough draft.
Presentation: We had a long open discussion about many topics. Of particular interest was certificate authorities. When setting up a lab of computers, perhaps in a virtual environment, it is good to have valid certificates. Of course there is the… Read more2019-08-11 Meeting
Presentation: Rich brought in an oscilloscope and two computers to demonstrate the software he has been working with. On one computer was a Windows proprietary program, and on a raspberry pi was an open source program which he found on… Read more2019-07-13 Meeting
Presentation: Discussion about Android Studio and XCP-NG.
Presentation: Open discussion about solar panels, Penguicon and an oscilloscope program that works!
Presentation: Playing with XCP-NG Gib led a discussion about this cloud software solution.
Presentation: Further discussion of python and the game.
Official Business: We decided to remove the by-laws and become a club based on volunteers. The MDLUG is dead. Long live the MDLUG! Presentation: Gib started working on the python game and sent a copy of his work to the… Read more2019-02-09 Meeting
Official Business: We need to select the candidates for the 2019 elections. Presentation: Qubes OS: A Reasonably Secure Operating System – What is it? Pat described his month long adventure so far. He gave a live demo and explained the… Read more2019-01-12 Meeting
Since there was no presentation, we held an open discussion about current events and projects we were working on.