What’s New?
- Screen 5.0 has several improvements
- Wireshark 4.4 has some impressive new features
- Day Vulnerability
- LibreOffice 24.8 adds new privacy options
- Tails 6.6 brings some important updates
Next Meeting, September 14
Join us for our upcoming meeting. We are currently planning a non-stop gabfest about Linux and open source software. And of course we’ll have time for an open discussion about whatever amazes or amuses us!
We gather online at https://meet.jit.si/mdlugmeeting, starting at 12:00 noon EST/EDT. We continue until 3:00 pm, giving everyone ample time to join. If there’s a presentation or specific topic, it begins at 1:00 pm.
Looking to enhance your video presence? Check out this video on prepping your laptop or consider investing in lighting adjustments and/or smartphone stands for a better quality display.