[mdlug] Consequences of 'noacpi'?

Jeff Hanson jhansonxi at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 17:23:39 EDT 2012

It may prevent soft power-off during shutdown.  There may be some
USB-specific boot options that are better (if that is the source of
the problem).

On 3/13/12, Ingles, Raymond <Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com> wrote:
> I'm working with a new system, attempting to get Linux installed on it next
> to Windows 7. I'm using the Xubuntu 11.10 amd64 desktop CD, and it kept
> hanging after configuring USB stuff until I used the 'noacpi' option to the
> kernel.
> If I have to make that permanent, I will... but I'd like to know what
> disadvantages that might carry. From what I can gather, it might prevent the
> computer from sleeping, and possibly keep it from managing power as
> effectively. Is that correct? Any other issues I should be aware of?
> ---
> Raymond Ingles, Software Developer, Compuware APM Business Unit      T +1
> (313) 227-2317  raymond.ingles at compuware.com
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