[mdlug] Portable hard drives.

Aaron Kulkis akulkis00 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 09:06:44 EST 2009

Garry Stahl wrote:
> Jeff Hanson wrote:
>> I think he means getting around the UID/GID issues inherent in moving
>> a drive with a filesystem that has them between different systems that
>> don't have synchronized user accounts.
> Exactly.  Fat and NTFS are pretty much sluts.  They will sync up with
> any old computer.  Linux file systems are more secure and chaste.  They
> want passwords and assuredness that you really love them, preferably a
> nice ring.
> So how do you turn xfs or etx3 into system sluts?

chown -R nobody,nobody  * .*
chmod -R 777 * .*

> As to Fat, I have no windows systems, ask me if I care.

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