[mdlug] Linux Desktops For Sale

Aaron Kulkis akulkis00 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 16:37:19 EDT 2009

Robert Adkins wrote:
>> Precisely.  Since the same issues exist WITHIN the microsoft 
>> upgrade path...and most of your buyers have experienced it at 
>> least once themselves (it not multiple times), I really don't 
>> understand why you're sweating about this.
>   1. I want to see Linux succeed as a viable desktop OS for the majority of
> computer users.

Users already expect that things will be different, becuase
even when the upgrade within Microsoft, the differences are
significant enough to be painfully annoying.

>   2. It could be a really good thing for this retail establishment to be
> able to sell enough Linux systems to be viable.

Of course!

>   3. Success with initiatives like this could increase the currently agreed
> upon statistic of 1% market penetration of Linux, which would strengthen the

I think that's a number is bogus--incredibly low -- due to the fact
that the vast majority of Linux machines were never purchased as
Linux machines...99.5% of the Linux machines out there were sold
as Windows machines (including in the business world...shipped
with Windows CD/DVDs even though they were thrown in the trash)

> availability for out of the box support across all computer hardware and
> eventually in the commercial entertainment software, meaning that someone
> like myself who really enjoys PC games and Linux can finally dump Windows,
> for good.

I'm with you there.

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