[mdlug] Linux Desktops For Sale

Robert Adkins radkins at impelind.com
Wed Jul 1 16:34:19 EDT 2009

> > 
> >   3. Success with initiatives like this could increase the 
> currently 
> > agreed upon statistic of 1% market penetration of Linux, 
> which would 
> > strengthen the
> I think that's a number is bogus--incredibly low -- due to 
> the fact that the vast majority of Linux machines were never 
> purchased as Linux machines...99.5% of the Linux machines out 
> there were sold as Windows machines (including in the 
> business world...shipped with Windows CD/DVDs even though 
> they were thrown in the trash)

  Maybe. I think that the number is based upon browser reporting, network
scanning and self reporting. I think it is far more accurate than a wild
stab in the dark.


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