[mdlug] Setting up a home network

Carl T. Miller carl at carltm.com
Sat Jan 24 15:05:26 EST 2009

Michael wrote:
> A.) A simple home network where each computer has its own name and can be
> accessed via that name. I can bring my Apple Laptop home from work and ssh
> into mnewman-desktop/access media files on it
> B.) Access to my home network (specifically mnewman-desktop) via port 22
> and
> 80 from outside the network
> Modem --> wireless router --> network (including mnewman-desktop)

I would go with the modem-router-network plan.

First, set up the wireless router and connect your desktop
to it.  This will let you set up whatever options you need
for your local network, such as dhcp and dns settings.  Be
sure your desktop gets a reserved address.

Next, get your router to connect to your ISP.  Hopefully
that will be easy after the first step.

Set up the router to forward port 22 to your desktop.  This
may be called "prot forwarding" or it may involve putting
the desktop in the DMZ.  Connect to another computer on
the Internet and connect back in to test it.

You can add other devices at any time after the first step
is completed.

Just be sure step 1 is completed before starting 2, and
2 is done before starting 3.  If you get stuck, send email
to the list.


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