[mdlug] [Microsoft Bashing]Stop the car I need to fix my radio

Rich Elswick painbank at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 20:09:24 EST 2009

Interesting, didn't know about the Lada, but sure, makes sense.  You can
also have a full Electric vehicle that doesn't have any ECMs in them as
well, but most do.

Good ole EPA... it does help for troubleshooting when there are problems.

As to anyone having issues with operating system software controlling
things, well as mentioned, every vehicle sold in the US does and I would
also expect other countries as mentioned.  As to having issues with these
operating system software controlling things... have you flown in an
airplane lately?  They can takeoff, fly the route and land without pilot
interaction if desired, but in most cases they pilots do the take off and
landings, hence why they can get loaded before hand!

Now, should we talk about amusement rides?  Other areas, one might seek high
tech danger?  Say, um perhaps Boats, trains or say any modern manufacturing

ya, lets go back and just farm... oh wait, there are those tractors that run

As to why folks just restart, well, some problem codes showing on the dash
of a car via the dummy lights go out after a restart, hence the practice.

yes, Automotive Engineer.

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