[mdlug] Suse Linux Email Stratigies

David Lane dcl400m at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 4 11:18:11 EST 2009

Thanks I guess the hard part is setting up the email server itself.

It looks like commandline setup I was hoping for GUI.

David C. Lane 


From: Joe Doehler <lugnuts at doehler.us>
To: MDLUG's Main discussion list <mdlug at mdlug.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 10:34:38 AM
Subject: Re: [mdlug] Suse Linux Email Stratigies

At 09:20 AM 2/4/2009, David wrote:
>A guess here is what I need to do.
>1. Set up Myemail at Mydomain.com so that I can send and recieve email.
>2. Filter spam.
>3. Save money (By not paying for email pro)
>4. Enjoy the fact that I'm not paying Bill more than I need. (When 
>Ever I do what I need to do in Linux and Now Windows)

I run my own server and it is a lot of fun... I use Exim.

You'll need a fixed IP address, and to have your domain name attached 
to that IP (i.e. upstream DNS). You'll need the cooperation of your 
ISP for this. If your outgoing mail is not recognized as being sent 
from a domain via reverse DNS, it will not be accepted by the 
recipient's server. Let your ISP know what you intend to do and that 
you will not send out "bulk mail". Make sure that your ISP does not 
block SMTP traffic.


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