[mdlug] New router time...

Peter Bart peter at petertheplumber.net
Fri Aug 14 16:31:21 EDT 2009

On Fri, 14 Aug 2009 15:30:41 -0400
Brandon <bfotiu at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been using a Linksys WRT54GS ( 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linksys_WRT54G_series ) for 3 years now, 
> flashed with DD-WRT (the Linux firmware).  Flashing the router can be 
> scary but I've never had any trouble. 
> Take a look at their Wiki
> http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
> and especially
> http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Devices
> DD-WRT allows you to configure more features than the standard
> Linksys firmware.  There's  a lot to delve into but that's the most
> prominent Linux router firmware replacement I know about.
> Clinton Weiss wrote:
> > My router is on the brink today, my network is going up and down
> > more than a rollercoaster, and I have to attach directly to my
> > cable modem to get access on my desktop computer.  I guess it's
> > about time, this D-Link is at least 5 years old.
> >
> > While a router isn't exactly Linux related, I'm hoping to purchase
> > one that has some *nix flavor running on it, something that I can
> > log into and tinker with (and hopefully not brick in the process).
> > Can you guys recommend any good routers (wifi a big plus) that
> > you've had experience with?
> >

    I second a Linksys running dd-wrt. I have a WRT54GL and a WRT310N,
    both running dd-wrt firmware. The 54 is rock solid, runs cool to
    the touch and has been up forever as is. The 310 is almost as good,
    but it runs hot. It is not a firmware issue because the Linksys
    forums are full of people trashing it because of that. It is prone
    to odd behavior if not cooled. I have mine sitting on top of a
    notebook cooling pad and once every few months I do have to power
    cycle it, to get it to work. I don't know if it's because the 310
    has the antenna internally mounted, or some other reason. I did
    fiddle with the TX power, but it seemed to have no effect on the
    heat that little box puts out. It's in the range of 90-100° measure
    on the outside of the case, when uncooled.

Best Regards,
Peter The Plumber sm
Sent from a mobile Internet Tablet

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