[mdlug] June Meeting - Location for DCG Meeting

gib at juno.com gib at juno.com
Tue May 27 12:59:03 EDT 2008

Um, how about holding the meeting in a different location?  Say a restaurant.

-- Garry Stahl <tesral at comcast.net> wrote:
I have to cancel the June DCG meeting at my house.  As I am painting the
computer room and the whole house is turned upside down. 

]The painting part is easy, it is moving thing out of the computer room,
clearing a wall, painting, and moving things back and then the next
set.  My dining room is full of computers and the living room stacked
with boxes of books.

I will not be finished by next week.  I'll just be getting to the East wall.

Garry  AKA  --Phoenix--  Rising above the Flames.

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