[mdlug] Interesting information about Windows "7"

Michael Newman newmaniese at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 01:27:38 EST 2008

I am going to preface this with the fact that I love Linux and  
couldn't do the job that I do without it (web dev).  But i feel like i  
need to defend Vista here. Overall ms changed a few things between  
xpsp3 and vista. The biggest is the ui, which IMHO was the biggest  
mistake. The new system was so drarastic that suddenly the people who  
couldn't tell any difference in thier computers all of a sudden saw  
that an upgrade was not always the best thing.

The other major changes had to do with security, which is much better,  
and the file system that is really incrimental.

The new ui was quite beautiful really but any one who happened to have  
a subpar graphics card (which were and still are being sold on  
consumer level computers) found vista slow and obnoixious those lucky  
enough to have a nice computer setup were so familar with the old  
system that this one was just too much a pain despite the shadows and  
glitter. Not to mention a short and very closed development period for  
programmers shows ms does really realize how many apps and programmers  
there are out there( or at least they are very paranoid about bugs and  
security flaws bring announced before launch).

Apple came onto the scene with this campaign where people are  
switching and suddenly the American population realized there are  
other oses in the world (ones that come with satisfactory graphics  
cards 'out of the box' (brillant i tell you)).

That is what vista brought to the table. The knowledge of a world  
outside the window. Now if us Linux folks could just explain that  
people could save $100 on a computer if they just went with Linux. I  
don't think the better file system /user developed community would woo  
80 percent of windows users out of their comfort zones but a price  
point would.

Michael Newman

On Jan 22, 2008, at 2:25 PM, "Ingles, Raymond" <Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com 
 > wrote:

>> From: Robert Adkins
>>    If anything in this article comes really close to correct, I have
>> some concern for the potential growth in desktop marketshare for  
>> Linux this
>> next year. If any of it is true, this is a crucial year for Linux  
>> to make
>> significant inroads, since the window of opportunity could shrink
>> considerably.
> I dunno. MS survived one Windows ME, but Vista's been a real mess,  
> and the
> competition (Linux and Apple) isn't standing still. I haven't run  
> into *anyone*
> in real life who's been pleased with Vista, not even typical MS  
> partisans.
> Getting a new version out the door *fast* is about the only thing MS  
> *can* do
> to salvage anything, I agree. Their record on 'agile development'  
> isn't all
> that impressive, though, and their "first versions" of *anything*  
> have been...
> generally problematic. Windows 7 had better be *really* good from  
> the get-go
> or they'll hurt their reputation even further.
> Again, I'm not saying MS will disappear overnight or anything like  
> that. It's
> just that the long-term trends aren't in their favor; they'll be  
> around for a
> long time to come, but not as the colossus astride the PC market.
> Sincerely,
> Ray Ingles                                         (313) 227-2317
>  "In the Third World, they call people in such situations 'the
> Disappeared.'" - Joe Hill, on the hundreds of detainees currently
>   being held incommunicado with no rights by the United States.
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