[mdlug] Windows humor (plus)

Michael Rudas audiotech50 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 19:55:10 EST 2008

Based on a request at today's meeting, I'm reposting links to a couple
of VERY funny Windows-related videos:

"The Matrix Runs On Windows -- Take the red pill. Get the blue screen."
"I hope you have cookies enabled." LOL

"Vista Sucks"

Here's a couple that are NOT computer-related, but VERY amusing:

"Almost Transformers -- Whitegoods In Disguise"

"Solid Potato Salad - The Ross Sisters"
At about 60 seconds in, things get VERY strange...

~~ Michael Rudas
    My home page: http://MRudas.2Ya.com
    My blog: http://FaveSoft.blogspot.com

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