[mdlug] Problems with upgrade?

Michael Rudas audiotech50 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 18:45:48 EST 2008

--- Robert Jim Fulner wrote:

> Before going to bed last night I set my PC to do an upgrade from
> xubuntu 8.07 lts to 8.10. When I woke up this morning my screen was
> dead. I can't wake it up, and turning off and on the monitor did
> nothing. Would it be safe in this situation to hard boot the system or
> is there a better alternative?

It's EXTREMELY likely that your upgrade caused your video output to
switch to a signal that's out-of-band for your LCD monitor.  If you
still have a CRT monitor around, plug it in in place of your LCD and
switch the resolution and vertical scan rate to one that's compatible
with your current monitor.

~~ Michael Rudas
    My home page: http://MRudas.2Ya.com
    My blog: http://FaveSoft.blogspot.com

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