[mdlug] Palm emulator help

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Fri Apr 4 01:55:42 EDT 2008

Drew wrote:
>      I wish to extract Memopad memos from a session of the Pose Palm 
> emulator into
> plain text files. What is the best way to do this?
>      I have Jpilot for linux which syncs well with a real Palmpilot. 
> But there seems to be no way
> to tell either it or Pose to sync with each other - only with a 
> device on a serial port. If I had
> two serial ports this would be trivial; but there is only one on the 
> board (except for the nullmodem)
> and the only serial cards I have are ISA, of which type of slot I do not have.

Do you specify the serial port as say,   -s /dev/ttyS0

If so, see if you can put in a plain file, with a specification
similar to this: -s ~/palmsync

>      I've also tried importing into Jpilot a Memopad database that I 
> extracted from Pose. Somehow
> the important records (or all of them for that matter) came in 
> garbled and "marked private" in spite
> of the fact that the box is unchecked on those same memos in Pose.
>      Anybody got a good solution, or perhaps a menu option that I missed?

This is why I avoid these sorts of devices.
3x5 cards are so much more reliable.
Added bonus -- nobody wants to steal them.

The biggest annoyance in modern society is the gratuitous
use of technology to solve problems which don't actually
exist, just because some engineer wants a new toy, and
manages to get marketing on board to convince everyone
that they NEED this thing which is a non-solution to a
non-problem, when in fact, they're justifiably embarrased
to be seen carrying around a $10 electronic sudoku game
to work, the bathroom, and every other place they go.

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