[mdlug] Automotive technical info wanted (only slightly off topic)

Chris Polk cpolk at locutus.qpl.ford.com
Mon May 7 10:18:52 EDT 2007

I'm not sure even a manual will be helpful.  Since OBDII, everything, even 
what the dealer does, comes out of that port.  It's essentially a black 
box - you replace things until it throws no more codes.

And as for manuals?  Heh. You'd probably need about 3 (Vehicle / Emissions 
/ Electrical).  Well over $300.  You can do an online subscription - 

On Sun, 6 May 2007, Drew wrote:

>> I'd suggest that you go to the nearest Ford dealer and ask at the parts
>> counter for a engine manual. Perhaps you can order a specific book.
> Any specific type? I already have a Chiltons. It lists howto do a
> variety of repairs thouh I doubt it has some of the information that
> I'm after.

Chris Polk 
Network Engineering
ITHQ-B/(313) 323-0919
cpolk at ford.com  CALENDAR: http://locutus.qpl.ford.com/cgi-bin/gencal
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