[mdlug] Fwd: President's mail bag - Store to offer Linuxpreinstalled

Morris, Tim tmorris at ugs.com
Mon Jun 4 09:27:12 EDT 2007

Are these computers available online? I'd like to check them out, but I
doubt I'll get out that way anytime soon. From the original post, I
don't think so :(
--  Tim Morris - UGS PLM Software


From: mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org [mailto:mdlug-bounces at mdlug.org] On Behalf
Of God of Lemmings
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 2:57 PM
To: mdlug at mdlug.org
Subject: [mdlug] Fwd: President's mail bag - Store to offer

Note about the current nvidia video drivers: The newer ones have a
memory leak that nvidia has been 
working on for a few months already, it appears when compositing is
enabled, and such compositing 
is required for Compiz and Beryl. You may wish to read about it at
nvidia:s forums. 

Begin forwarded message: 

	From: ebradley01 at wowway.com 
	Date: June 1, 2007 1:10:40 PM EST 
	To: mdlug at mdlug.org 
	Subject: Re: [mdlug] President's mail bag - Store to offer Linux
	Reply-To: "MDLUG's Main discussion list" <mdlug at mdlug.org> 


	We are also considering offering preloaded laptops. Currently 
	I have an Ubuntu 7.04 system decked out with the full
Compiz/Beryl 3D 
	desktop. The reaction to it has been overwhelmingly positive. It
	helping to show that Linux is ready for home use. 

	The Sytem Specs are: 
	AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 
	1 GB DDR2 Memory 
	80 GB SATA2 Hard Drive 
	18X Dual Layer DVD Burner 
	MSI Nvidia 7300GT PCIe Card 

	We are selling the system for $399. 


	This seems like a really good deal to me...at least, when taken
at face-value. 
	Anything other than the above specs that should be considered
when pricing a 
	laptop for general usage purposes? (Internet, email, multimedia
playback, no 

	Just looking to get everyone's opinion... 


	"The road of life is rocky, and you may stumble too. So while
you point your 
	finger; someone else is judging you." --Bob Marley 

	---------- Original Message ----------- 
	From: mdlug-request at mdlug.org 
	To: mdlug at mdlug.org 
	Sent: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 12:00:01 -0400 
	Subject: mdlug Digest, Vol 10, Issue 1 

		Send mdlug mailing list submissions to 
		mdlug at mdlug.org 

		To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web,
		or, via email, send a message with subject or body
'help' to 
		mdlug-request at mdlug.org 

		You can reach the person managing the list at 
		mdlug-owner at mdlug.org 

		When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is
more specific 
		than "Re: Contents of mdlug digest..." 

		Today's Topics: 

		1. Converting DVDs to play on a Palm (Ingles, Raymond) 
		2. President's mail bag - Store to offer Linux
		(Raymond McLaughlin) 
		3. Forget Perl, I'm switching to LOLCODE! (Wolfger) 
		4. Re: Forget Perl, I'm switching to LOLCODE! (Robert
		5. Re: Forget Perl, I'm switching to LOLCODE! (Michael


		Message: 1 
		Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 18:03:18 -0400 
		From: "Ingles, Raymond" <Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com> 
		Subject: [mdlug] Converting DVDs to play on a Palm 
		To: "Mdlug (E-mail)" <mdlug at mdlug.org> 
<41C33488FEC67C43BC564F5F086C21FF03A33DAB at nasa-dtw-ex001.nasa.cpwr.corp>

		Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" 

		I got a spare 512MB SD card and decided to try this out,
since I'd 
		heard of people doing it. So, I did some googling and
put together a 
		script or two to handle this. 

		Basically, you use "mencoder" to read the DVD and
convert it to 
		DIVX format, scaling the video to fit the 320x320
screen. I also 
		compress the audio to 128Kbit MP3 format, since I don't
need a Dolby 
		soundtrack. :-> I've had very good results with a
224Mbit/sec video 
		rate. It looks quite good on the screen, better than VHS
		richer color). 

		Last night I converted the movie "Aliens". It's a
154-minute movie 
		in 16x9 format. It converted down to a 320x180 image,
and takes up 
		403MB on the card. That took approximately an hour and
		minutes on my dual-2GHz Athlon system. (If I used
one-pass encoding 
		it would have been about half that.) 

		I let the movie run all the way through (two hours and
34 minutes) 
		today as the Treo 650 sat on my desk as I worked (with
the sound 
		muted) and my battery went from 99% to 77%. Not bad. 

		It's a toy, sure, but might be fun on a long trip. I
could fit five 
		or six half-hour TV shows on my card easily. Anyway, if
		interested, the script I use is below. 


		Ray Ingles (313) 227-2317 

		"Computers let you make more mistakes faster than any
		invention in human history, with the possible exception
		handguns and tequila." - Mitch Radcliffe 

		---begin dvd2palm.sh--- 

		# Converts DVDs to AVI files suitable for viewing on a
Palm w/TCPMP 

		# If you're skipping frames, increase FPS. If
duplicating, decrease FPS. 
		# Usual values are 24000/1001 (23.976), 24, 25 (PAL),
30000/1001 (29.97), 30. 

		# My Palm has a 320x320 screen. If you have a 480x320
screen, try "480" here. 

		# Set audio mode - these are arranged in decreasing
order of likelyhood 
		# to sync properly 

		# Full AC3 audio, takes up a fair amount of space. 
		# Constant bit rate MP3, the 'br' field sets the bit
		AUDIO="mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=128" 
		# Average bit rate MP3, the 'br' field sets the bit rate

		#AUDIO="mp3lame -lameopts abr:br=128" 
		# Variable bit rate MP3, sometimes has sync problems 
		#AUDIO="mp3lame -lameopts vbr=3" 

		# Set crop, if needed 
		# Get these numbers by running the command: mplayer -ss
60 -vf 

	scale=320:-2,cropdetect dvd://[track number] 


		# For mixed progressive/telecined content 

		# Set video bit rate, feel free to experiment here to
see what fits 

		# Use DIVX 
		DIVX="-ffourcc divx" 

		# These are the key parameters we gotta have from the
		# Spaces in the output file name are probably not a good

		# These are optional parameters that can be tweaked but
have default values. 
		# You might want to change the default to match your
		# 128 is the default audio track on a DVD, usually 

		# Make sure we got the minimum info needed. 
		if [ -z "${DVDTITLE}" -o -z "$2" ]; then 
		echo "Usage: " $0 " dvd-title output-name [dvd-device]
		track]" exit -1 fi 

		# Just in case one's left over from a previous encoding
		rm -rf divx2pass.log 

		# Two-pass encoding, takes longer but produces best
quality for a given bitrate 
		mencoder -dvd-device ${DVDDEV} dvd://${DVDTITLE} -aid
		ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vpass=1:vbi
trate=${VBITRATE} -ofps 
		${FPS} ${DIVX} -oac ${AUDIO} -vf
scale=${SCALEW}:-2${CROP}${PULLUP} - 
		o /dev/null 

		mencoder -dvd-device ${DVDDEV} dvd://${DVDTITLE} -aid
		ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vpass=2:vbi
trate=${VBITRATE} -ofps 
		${FPS} ${DIVX} -oac ${AUDIO} -vf
scale=${SCALEW}:-2${CROP}${PULLUP} - 
		o ${NEWNAME} 

		# Clean up after ourselves. 
		rm -rf divx2pass.log 
		----end dvd2palm.sh---- 

		The contents of this e-mail are intended for the named
		only. It contains information that may be confidential.
Unless you 
		are the named addressee or an authorized designee, you
may not copy 
		or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. If you
received it in 
		error please notify us immediately and then destroy it. 


		Message: 2 
		Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 23:45:25 -0400 
		From: Raymond McLaughlin <driveray at ameritech.net> 
		Subject: [mdlug] President's mail bag - Store to offer
		To: "mdlug at mdlug.org" <mdlug at mdlug.org> 
		Message-ID: <465F9655.8010007 at ameritech.net> 
		Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 

		Mr. Hughs, 

		Thank you for contacting me. I find your idea both
intriguing and 
		exciting. Right now I am swamped with other pressing
business, but I 
		hope to be able to provide more extensive input in the
next few weeks. 

		For the time being I will pass your letter on to our
membership. I must 
		tell you that Computer Builders Warehouse got something
of a bad 
		reputation in our group a couple of years ago. If I
recall they were 
		promoting questionable MS 'facts' of some sort. I don't
recall the 
		details off hand. Your project could go a long ways
toward changing this. 

		I hope to be able to drop by your store some time in the
next few weeks. 
		Is there any chance that your store could accommodate a
		meeting" of about a dozen people? Just a thought. In the
mean time I 
		suggest that you join one or more of our mailing lists
to get an 
		idea of our group's inclinations. Be warned that purely
		postings are considered spam, and greatly frowned upon. 

		I hope to see you soon 
		Raymond McLaughlin 
		President MDLUG 

		Rich Hughes wrote: 

				Hello Mr. McLaughlin, 

				My name is Rich Hughes, I manage the
Computer Builders Warehouse store 
				inside Great Lakes Crossing. I also run
				<http://www.linuxtechdaily.com> and have
written for other Linux 


				I'm writing to announce to you and your
group that my store in Great 
				Lakes Crossing has been approved for a
pilot program, offering Linux 
				based systems. If it is successful it
will expand to our other 
				locations. We are also considering
offering preloaded laptops. Currently 
				I have an Ubuntu 7.04 system decked out
with the full Compiz/Beryl 3D 
				desktop. The reaction to it has been
overwhelmingly positive. It is 
				helping to show that Linux is ready for
home use. 

				The Sytem Specs are: 
				AMD Athlon 64 3200+ 
				1 GB DDR2 Memory 
				80 GB SATA2 Hard Drive 
				18X Dual Layer DVD Burner 
				MSI Nvidia 7300GT PCIe Card 

				We are selling the system for $399. We
have the ability to custom build 
				any system and load any version of Linux
on it, but are trying this 
				combo out to see how it does. I believe
our non-propriatery, open 
				architecture systems are a perfect match
for Free Software. 

				Frankly, I'm asking for MDLUG's support.
I think there is enormous 
				potential for success here. With the
failure of Vista, and the strides 
				Linux is making, I think now is the
time. I'd love to get your members 
				out here into the store to check out
this system. 

				I'm also interested in feedback in what
systems people might be 
				interested in. Distro, system specs,
				If anyone wants to check out our website
				<http://www.cbwstores.com> , look at our
stock and let me know what they 
				would be interested in, I'd be happy to
email back a coupon. My email is 
				rhughes at cbwstores.com
<mailto:rhughes at cbwstores.com> . 

				I appreciate your time, I hope your
group gets excited about this. I 
				think it is a great opportunity for the
community, and for our stores. 
				Feel free to call at any time or drop me
an email. 

				Thank You, 

				Rich Hughes 
				Store Manager 

				Computer Builders Warehouse 
				Great Lakes Crossing 
				4354 Baldwin Road - Ste. 708 
				Auburn Hills, MI 48326 
				Tel: (248) 334-3061 
				Fax: (248) 334-5373 


		Message: 3 
		Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 07:32:17 -0400 
		From: Wolfger <wolfger at gmail.com> 
		Subject: [mdlug] Forget Perl, I'm switching to LOLCODE! 
		To: "MDLUG Main" <mdlug at mdlug.org> 
<3b00b3330706010432q6a974415r469a306223debc4c at mail.gmail.com> 
		Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1;


		AOL IM: wolf4coyot 
		Yahoo!Messenger: wolfgersilberbaer 
		Skype: wolfger88 


		Message: 4 
		Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 08:41:06 -0400 
		From: Robert Adkins <radkins at impelind.com> 
		Subject: Re: [mdlug] Forget Perl, I'm switching to
		To: MDLUG's Main discussion list <mdlug at mdlug.org> 
		Message-ID: <466013E2.2000208 at impelind.com> 
		Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1;

		Is it wrong that I actually understand the "code"? 

		Wolfger wrote: 



		Message: 5 
		Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 10:35:59 -0400 (Eastern Daylight
		From: Michael Corral <micorral at comcast.net> 
		Subject: Re: [mdlug] Forget Perl, I'm switching to
		To: MDLUG <mdlug at mdlug.org> 
<Pine.WNT.4.64.0706011034140.2540 at w2zzzp0601.amer.corp.eds.com> 
		Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII;

		Wolfger a ecrit: 


		Well, it is more readable... 



		mdlug mailing list 
		mdlug at mdlug.org 

		End of mdlug Digest, Vol 10, Issue 1 

	------- End of Original Message ------- 

	mdlug mailing list 
	mdlug at mdlug.org 

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