[mdlug] Restricted Remote Access Script

Michael S. Mikowski mmikowski at valueclick.com
Tue Jan 16 19:36:59 EST 2007

Thank you for all your advice!  I will move to a 
non-standard port presently.  Ray, Ostiary looks real 
cool, and I'll let you know if I deploy or the throttling 
concepts others have offerred.



On Monday 15 January 2007 07:07, Ingles, Raymond wrote:
> > From: Michael S. Mikowski
> >
> > My remote machine is getting hit with 1500+
> > dictionary login attempts per day, and I think its
> > time to consider locking down ssh.
>  As others have noted, moving ssh to a different port
> will cut that to virtually nil. Using public key
> authentication on top of that is about as much security
> as most people need.
>  However, if you're paranoid, or have reason to believe
> that a person (not just an automated worm) is trying to
> break in to your machine specifically, you can go
> further. I wrote Ostiary to satisfy my own paranoia,
> but thanks to a power fluctuation my firewall is down
> right now, and so is my website. The mirror is here:
>  http://home.twmi.rr.com/sorceror/
>  All the documentation and design rationales are in the
> package, along with some links to alternatives.
>  Sincerely,
>  Ray Ingles                                       (313)
> 227-2317
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Michael S. Mikowski
Software Engineering Manager
ValueClick Search
ValueClick Inc.

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