[mdlug] Restricted Remote Access Script

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Mon Jan 15 10:07:41 EST 2007

> From: Michael S. Mikowski

> My remote machine is getting hit with 1500+ dictionary 
> login attempts per day, and I think its time to consider 
> locking down ssh.

 As others have noted, moving ssh to a different port will cut that
to virtually nil. Using public key authentication on top of that is
about as much security as most people need.

 However, if you're paranoid, or have reason to believe that a person
(not just an automated worm) is trying to break in to your machine
specifically, you can go further. I wrote Ostiary to satisfy my own
paranoia, but thanks to a power fluctuation my firewall is down right
now, and so is my website. The mirror is here:


 All the documentation and design rationales are in the package, along
with some links to alternatives.


 Ray Ingles                                       (313) 227-2317

       "We should post this information on the Internet!"
                   - Milhouse Van Houten
 "No! We have to reach people whose opinions actually *matter*!"
                       - Bart Simpson
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