[mdlug] Reading material, food for thought

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Mon Jan 15 13:38:57 EST 2007

 I dunno why I hadn't seen this before a few days ago:


 Basically, ESR argues that (a) major software platform transitions almost
always happen when the hardware platform changes, and (b) that the key
platform transitions happen when CPUs shift bitness (i.e. 8-bit to 16-bit
or 16-bit to 32-bit), and (c) the next shift, from 32 to 64-bit, should be
effectively complete by 2008.

 If he's right, Linux has a big chance to grab dominant market share, or
else it'll miss the window and be virtually certain to be an also-ran for
the foreseeable future. Some comments here:


 I like his point here - *Windows* isn't ready for the desktop, either.
It *requires* support, either paid or unpaid volunteer labor by dragooned
friends or family members. Switching to Linux won't materially change that.

 I dunno if the 32-to-64-bit transition will *quite* happen that way.
There are *very* few desktop applications that require, or even
significantly benefit from, greater than 4GB of RAM. Large-scale video
editing, maybe. Can anyone suggest *anything* else? I'm honestly having

 I don't think the "64-bit killer app" has appeared yet. *If* it takes a
while to appear, I think the 32-to-64 transition might be a bit more
elastic than ESR proposes.

 However, on reflection I think he's *right* about multimedia. I simply
could not have switched my parents or my family to Linux if they couldn't
watch viral videos on YouTube or in email. EasyUbuntu or Automatix helps
but not enough. And even setting those up is irritatingly awkward. I had
to make multiple visits to my parents house to get the right codecs
installed because repositories were down or whatever.

 Making that easy and straightforward would be a *huge* plus for Linux
evangelization. I like his idea of "The Codex" and I would *love* to
help make that happen. I don't see anywhere I can make a contribution,
but I sure as heck would if I could...


 Ray Ingles                                            (313) 227-2317

 Microsoft complaining about the source license used by Linux is like
       the event horizon calling the kettle black. - Adam Barr
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