[mdlug] Downloading video (and other) streams

Drew drew4096 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 10 17:45:17 EST 2007

On 2/9/07, David Favro <mdlug at meta-dynamic.com> wrote:

> I download YouTube videos with 'wget'.  If you can run that on your
> zaurus you can get them.  You only need to find the URL, which you can
> do (amongst other ways) by sniffing your connection when you bring up
> the page in a browser, maybe you could do it on your slow connection on
> the desktop, then wget the URL on the zaurus.  Otherwise, you could
> write a script to get the URL using nothing but wget by parsing the
> web-page, but that's a little involved.

    I may end up going that route. However I first wanted to find out
if the work has already been done for me in some form.

    I have found a version of vlc for the zaurus whose documentation
claims that I can save the stream to a file. However, how to do it is
not clear.

    The output of 'vlc --help --longhelp --advanced'  is as follows:

VideoLAN Client 0.5.3 Natalya
Usage: vlc [options] [items]...

  -I, --intf <string>            interface module
      --extraintf <string>       extra interface modules
  -v, --verbose <integer>        verbosity (0,1,2)
  -q, --quiet, --noquiet         be quiet (default disabled)
      --translation, --notranslation
                                 translation (default enabled)
      --color, --nocolor         color messages (default disabled)
      --advanced, --noadvanced   show advanced options (default enabled)
      --search-path <string>     interface default search path
      --plugin-path <string>     plugin search path
  -A, --aout <string>            audio output module
      --audio, --noaudio         enable audio (default enabled)
      --volume <integer>         audio output volume
      --saved-volume <integer>   audio output saved volume
      --aout-rate <integer>      audio output frequency (Hz)
      --desync <integer>         compensate desynchronization of audio (in ms)
      --spdif, --nospdif         use the S/PDIF audio output when
available (default disabled)
      --headphone-opt, --no-headphone-opt
                                 headphone virtual spatialization
effect (default disabled)
  -V, --vout <string>            video output module
      --video, --novideo         enable video (default enabled)
      --width <integer>          video width
      --height <integer>         video height
      --zoom <float>             zoom video
      --grayscale, --nograyscale grayscale video output (default disabled)
      --fullscreen, --nofullscreen
                                 fullscreen video output (default disabled)
      --overlay, --nooverlay     overlay video output (default enabled)
      --spumargin <integer>      force SPU position
      --filter <string>          video filter module
      --aspect-ratio <string>    source aspect ratio
      --server-port <integer>    server port
      --network-channel, --no-network-channel
                                 enable network channel mode (default disabled)
      --channel-server <string>  channel server address
      --channel-port <integer>   channel server port
      --mtu <integer>            MTU of the network interface
      --iface <string>           network interface
      --iface-addr <string>      network interface address
      --ttl <integer>            time to live
      --program <integer>        choose program (SID)
      --audio-type <integer>     choose audio
      --audio-channel <integer>  choose channel
      --spu-channel <integer>    choose subtitles
      --dvd <string>             DVD device
      --vcd <string>             VCD device
  -6, --ipv6, --noipv6           force IPv6 (default disabled)
  -4, --ipv4, --noipv4           force IPv4 (default disabled)
      --codec <string>           choose preferred codec list
      --video-encoder <string>   choose preferred video encoder list
      --audio-encoder <string>   choose preferred audio encoder list
 Stream output
      --sout <string>            choose a stream output
      --sout-audio, --no-sout-audio
                                 enable audio stream output (default enabled)
      --sout-video, --no-sout-video
                                 enable video stream output (default enabled)
      --sout-acodec {,mpeg1,mpeg2,mpeg4,vorbis}
                                 audio encoding codec
      --sout-vcodec {,mpeg1,mpeg2,mpeg4}
                                 video encoding codec
      --packetizer <string>      choose preferred packetizer list
      --mux <string>             mux module
      --access_output <string>   access output module
  -Z, --random, --norandom       play files randomly forever (default disabled)
      --playlist, --noplaylist   launch playlist on startup (default disabled)
      --enqueue, --noenqueue     enqueue items in playlist (default disabled)
      --loop, --noloop           loop playlist on end (default disabled)
      --memcpy <string>          memory copy module
      --access <string>          access module
      --demux <string>           demux module

Playlist items:
  *.mpg, *.vob                   plain MPEG-1/2 files
                                 DVD device
                                 VCD device
  udpstream:[@[<bind address>][:<bind port>]]
                                 UDP stream sent by VLS
  vlc:pause                      pause execution of playlist items
  vlc:quit                       quit VLC

  -h, --help                     print help
  -H, --longhelp                 print detailed help
  -l, --list                     print a list of available modules
  -p, --module <string>          print help on module
      --version                  print version information

Can anyone help me pick out the right options to use?


- Drew.

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