2018-11-10 Meeting
Presentation: We watched a YouTube video about git and talked about why git is a great choice to manage the files in our project to build a game in python.
The Meeting Place for Linux Users
Presentation: We watched a YouTube video about git and talked about why git is a great choice to manage the files in our project to build a game in python.
Presentation: We had an open discussion about the project and how to implement it. We chose python 3 since we like python and version 2 will be deprecated soon. We also decided to use git for file management and Carl… Read more2018-10-13 Meeting
Presentation: Open discussion. We discussed many topics including the finer details of some html5 tags and versioning software like cvs, svn, and git. The key item was deciding that we want to start a long term project to create a… Read more2018-09-08 Meeting
Presentation: Rich presented “Creating [Dynamic] Web Pages: Languages Technologies – An Overview“.
Presentation: Carl showed how to put the System Rescue CD onto a USB flash drive and assisted several people with installation to their flash drives. The instructions are embedded in the bottom of this grub.cfg file which can be downloaded… Read more2018-07-14 Meeting
Presentation: The group held an open discussion.
Election Results: President – Gib Nichols Vice President – Rich Hall Treasurer – Dennis Boron Secretary – Carl Miller Official Business: The following amendment to the By-Laws was passed. VI. ELECTIONS A. MDLUG shall hold an annual election in January,… Read more2018-05-12 Meeting
Official Business: Elections were postponed. Presentation: We held an open discussion on various topics.
Official Business: Elections were postponed. Presentation: We held an open discussion on various topics.
The meeting was canceled for bad weather.