The Presentation:
Gib led a discussion about cryptomining on low end hardware. He started with a Raspberry Pi and found that it didn’t have much power. He then switched to an older computer and found an increase in output. From his estimate, these devices were returning about a penny per day.
He brought up the idea that it may be better to sell a cryptomining setup than to run one. The business case is that it take a very long time to earn more than the hardware is worth. And in this time of shortages of electronic parts, the hardware would sell at a better price.
The business case is that it probably wouldn’t be profitable to do cryptomining on a small scale. And it would require a very large investment to run at a large scale which could pay for itself in a matter of months.
The Discussion:
We talked about many things, including a Penguicon presention and/or installfest, starting an MDLUG store (which Carl will investigate), nameserver settings and IP addresses on a Raspberry Pi, installing LAMP on Mint, and car insurance. And of course we chatted about projects we’re working on and devices we are using.