[mdlug-discuss] [mdlug] Iraq stuff again was:First impressions of Vista

Robert Adkins radkins at impelind.com
Mon Mar 26 14:40:02 EDT 2007

Aaron Kulkis wrote:
> But Bill Maher has not demonstrated any such behavior yet.
> His show "Politically Incorrect" was a model of Political Correctness.
    I haven't really paid much attention to Bill Maher. His political 
views are strongly painted by his Libertarian leanings and they really 
don't mesh well with my more moderate political leanings.

  I only stepped in because it is wrong to argue a debate, not by 
attacking the merits of the ideas presented, but by attacking the person 
who is presenting those ideas. It's dirty pool on a level that is simply 
a waste of energy.


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