[mdlug-discuss] [mdlug] Iraq stuff again was:First impressions of Vista

Aaron Kulkis akulkis3 at hotpop.com
Mon Mar 19 09:48:12 EDT 2007

Robert Adkins wrote:
> allen wrote:
>> Robert Adkins wrote:
>>> allen wrote:
>>>> Bill Maher forming national security policy. Now *that's* funny.
>>>     I really don't think that questioning someone's opinion on a matter, 
>>> such as national security has any relation to what they do or have done 
>>> for a living. 
>> Of course you do. Evidence your very next sentence.
>> Besides, it isn't Mr. Maher's vocation that makes his policy 
>> pronouncement presumptuousness so funny. It's the contrast between the 
>> seriousness with which he takes himself and the vapidity he displays in 
>> his performance and his punditry.
>>> This is a nation that has had a "B" movie actor as a 
>>> President after all. 
>> Here ya go. It's not all that accurate or complete but it isn't a 
>> hatchet job either:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Reagan
>>> I don't see anyone claiming that he was singularly 
>>> unqualified purely because of his past work.
>> I don't see why anyone would claim that the six-term president of the 
>> Screen Actor's Guild, successful syndicated columnist and two-term 
>> governor of the state of California would be unqualified to because of 
>> his past work either although the comparison between the two seems a bit 
>> of a stretch.
>     Did you purposefully miss my point or are you simply being pedantic 
> to an extreme degree?
>     Seriously, my point is that people do, in fact, grow and change as 
> they age and shift career focus. People are capable of learning new 
> things as well as changing their views an opinions about topics.

But Bill Maher has not demonstrated any such behavior yet.
His show "Politically Incorrect" was a model of Political Correctness.

>     BTW, I wasn't knocking Reagan, as you so "shrewdly" assumed.
>     -Rob

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