[mdlug] Linux Text Editors -- Try Cooledit

Michael Corral micorral at comcast.net
Wed Jan 4 21:03:50 EST 2023

Le 2023-01-02, Monsieur LAP a ecrit:
> ftp://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/apps/editors/X/cooledit/
> Cooledit has been around for a while and I am surprised that this
> fine text editor+ is not well known to most Linux users.

I think I know why: because 1996 is over. :p

I remember it from way back when, and it looks like it hasn't changed 
much. For kicks I downloaded it and compiled and installed it on my Fedora 
37 system, and it still looks like the same 90s-era fvwm-ish application 
it's always been (screenshot attached). I'm all for retro computing, but I 
do draw the line at certain spots. This is one of those spots.

Notice the syntax highlighting menu isn't sorted alphabetically. Just one 
of *many* annoyances I've found (along with no clear way for showing line 
numbers). I was able to use a TrueType font (SourceCodePro) with it, via 
the -font option, but pretty much every text editor these days lets you do 

As an Emacs user I haven't seen anything Cooledit can do that Emacs can't, 
and there's plenty that Emacs can do that Cooledit can't. It's hard to 
imagine anyone using Cooledit today, but there's nothing wrong with having 
the choice.

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