[mdlug] Major Websites Reject GNU/Linux

LAP mail1 at lapiet.info
Tue Apr 4 18:43:24 EDT 2023

On Tue, 4 Apr 2023 17:53:23 -0400
"Carl T. Miller" <carl at carltm.com> wrote:

> Chase.com works for me. 

My mistake.  Chase.com is my employer's bank account.  I meant
to say "Citizensbank.com" which is my personal bank.

Attempting to login to citizensbank.com with Iron (Chrome) causes this error:

"Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "http://www3.citizensbankonline.com/efs/servlet/efs/default.jsp" on this server."

With Firefox, I can login but the home page gives me an endless
spinning loop icon.  I can't proceed further.

Regarding Kroger.com, I can now log in to my account with Firefox,
but Iron (Chrome) gives the following error:

"We're having trouble with sign in right now. Please disable any pop up or
ad blockers and try again."

I have been seeing this error for weeks but I have no ad blockers and all
pop ups are enabled.

I have yet to try any utility sites.

Only time will tell if this persists.


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