[mdlug] Bluetooth Plunge!?!?

Jonathan Billings billings at negate.org
Mon Jan 7 14:22:41 EST 2019

On Sun, Jan 06, 2019 at 11:21:57PM -0500, Ricky wrote:
> What Bluetooth speaker pairs well with a Bluetooth Adapter (Class 1) to get
> maximum distance/range?  Class 1 Bluetooth adapters are supposed to have a
> longer range.

It might not be as much a range issue but what is blocking the signal.

There are quite a few building materials that are rather opaque to the
frequency that bluetooth uses.  Metal like refrigerators and filing
cabinets are the worst, and even concrete walls or bamboo can
effectively block BT.  Try moving your base station around to get a
better line-of-sight.

I know personally, I can't even use BT headphones with my phone in my
pocket because humans are big bags of water and that blocks BT signals
pretty well.  I have to wear my phone in a armband when I'm
exercising or mowing the lawn if I want to use my BT headphones.  I've
heard other people don't have that problem, so maybe I just ate too
much lead paint as a child.

The other culprit can be Wifi using the same range, causing more
interference causing dropped packets and maybe even causing the
connections to fail out. 

Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>

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