[mdlug] To FLAC or not to FLAC

Michael ORourke mrorourke at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 30 00:13:44 EST 2016

Lug Nuts,

I have a library of CD's that I want to rip to digital media which then 
will mainly be served out by a Subsonic server.  What is really cool 
about Subsonic is it does not care what format the music files are in, 
such as wav, mp3, flac, m4a, ogg, etc... it will just read and convert 
the files on-the-fly and steam them to your device.  Now I suppose any 
audiophile would argue that lossless formats, such as FLAC, are the only 
acceptable means of storing one's music library.  But what about the 
rest of the population?  Why not save some bits and go with a lossy 
format such as mp3 or ogg?  Even among the more popular mp3 format there 
are several different options, such as variable bit rate or fixed bit 
rates.  So I am curious what other folks have tested and what you liked, 
or did not like about ripping your own library.



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