[mdlug] After power outage desktop won't boot.

Michael ORourke mrorourke at earthlink.net
Fri Apr 29 11:55:27 EDT 2016

I'd give high priority to replacing the power supply.  Or at least 
swapping it out with a known good one and see if that fixes your 
problem.  In my experience I have seen this time and time again and not 
only on cheap no-name hardware.  I've had $200+ modular high-watt power 
supplies die after the first year.  In that particular instance, it had 
a 3yr Mfr warranty, so I called Micro Center and they said it was 
outside of their exchange period and I would have to ship it back to 
China.  Go figure.

But if you are not running any extreme video configurations, or powering 
a half-dozen SATA drives, you should be fine with a ~400W PS for around 
$35.  Or if you are near the Farmington Hills area, I have a spare PS 
you could borrow.


On 4/29/2016 2:38 AM, Jim Fulner wrote:
> While I was at work today it looks like my power went out at home.
> No biggie, just boot the desktop up again. And it didn't. Monitor flickers on, then nothing, my first attempt I heard a strange noise from the case that I thought was the hard drive trying to spin, though I wasn't sure. My 3 year old broke my DVD drive like a year ago so that could have been the noise, not sure. Opened the case, fans were spining though not really how I thought they did. Tried disconnecting and reconnecting things no apparent change.
> I'm not really a hardware guy, what's my next step from here? A new PC wasn't really in the budget for this year. Would anyone be interested in helping me tinker with it if I bring it to Penguicon?

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