[mdlug] Systemd Should Be A Fork -- Why Is It Not?

John Lodden jrl at lodden.com
Tue Sep 1 11:03:05 EDT 2015

Lets be civil please,  name calling does no one any good.

A fork has already happened,  in Debian,  and the *BSD will most likely 
be non-Systemd.

In a year or so we will see which way got the most traction,  and 
natural evolution will happen.


On 9/1/2015 10:28 AM, A. Zimmer wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Sep 2015 09:57:08 -0400
> Garry Stahl <tesral at wowway.com> wrote:
>> I have no issue with systemD.  My computer works.
> Would you care to tell us HOW it works.  If you were to discover
> the truth, then maybe you'd shriek.
> Such blatant apathy is the root of the problem.  Many things
> will work or at least give the appearance of working.  American
> democracy works, so why care?  Microsoft Windows 10 works, so
> why give a sh!t?
> But the issue is not whether or not systemd actually works; it is
> whether or not systemd should unilaterally be imposed as the new
> norm on the entire Linux community.
> I claim that it should be a fork.  We should have TWO Linux environments,
> one with systemd and one without.
> RedHat and Freedesktop.org are slowly assuming total control of Linux
> developmental decisions.  They are crass, tinpot, dictatorial organizations
> that should be eliminated.
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