[mdlug] Systemd Should Be A Fork -- Why Is It Not?

A. Zimmer andrew.zimmer at comcast.net
Tue Sep 1 10:03:22 EDT 2015

On Tue, 01 Sep 2015 09:47:12 -0400
Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam at whitemice.org> wrote:

> Because systemd solved a very real problem that has been nagging LINUX
> systems for a decade, and getting progressively worse as servers [for a
> long time very static things] become increasingly dynamic and adaptive.
> is really about.  And, as a system admin with 20+ years experience,
> syslog is ***CRAP***;

I don't give a rat's a$$ about servers and system administration.
I only care about the productivity that I can achieve on my personal
desktop workstation and I do not require 10,000 lines of code and 27
active processes to tell me that I have a SATA disk drive attached.

You want systemd and that's fine.  But I, and many others, do not want
it and do not need your supportive arguments.  That's why a fork is
the most sensible solution.  Then there will be no conflict between
sysadmins and those interested in personal productivity.

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