[mdlug] shellshock

Carl T. Miller carl at carltm.com
Fri Sep 26 20:08:29 EDT 2014

JeremyBekka Christophel wrote:
> I am running Debian and when I ran the command it said that I am not safe.
> So, I read on the Debian site that I need to upgrade to the newest version
> of bash and after doing that it says that I am still not safe. Is there a
> way to get the patch? Neither apt-get upgrade, update, or dist-upgrade
> solves it.

Since I'm not as familiar with Debian, I would suggest checking
on their website.  <https://www.debian.org/security/2014/dsa-3035>

I'd also verify that you are running a version that is still
supported and that you run "apt-get update" prior to running
"apt-get upgrade".


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