[mdlug] Utity for verifying functionality of DVD drive.

Carl T. Miller carl at carltm.com
Sat Jul 19 06:34:00 EDT 2014

Jim Fulner wrote:
> I tried to burn a DVD  today and DeeVeeDee kept telling me to insert a
> valid disk. At first my thought was when  year old got into the spindle
> and
> see through my disks on the floor she had ruined them all. Then later I
> tried listening to an audio CD and the machine spit it out Almost
> immediately after putting it back in.

If the laser unit is built into the tray, try ejecting the
tray and gently wiping the lens with a microfibre cloth.
This works for me on one old laptop.  If the laser unit
doesn't eject, I'd try blasting a few puffs of canned air
into the unit.  Worst case is that you'd have to replace
the unit.


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