[mdlug] future meetings

Carl T. Miller carl at carltm.com
Tue Jan 28 11:16:37 EST 2014

At the last meeting we discussed our new meeting location.
It is a long drive for most of the old regulars, and we
had hoped to see an influx of new members including people
willing to get involved in the operations of the lug.

We didn't see this influx and were barely able to get
officers elected.  So now I'd like to get some feedback
from people on the mailing list.

Has the distance to the current location prevented you
from attending monthly meetings?

If we can find a meeting location in the Dearborn or
Southfield area, would you be more likely to attend
more often?

Has the Saturday afternoon timeslot prevented you from
attending monthly meetings?

If we can pick another day and time, would you be more
likely to attend more often?


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