[mdlug] Plain text messages (Was: Best Linux rig for capturing frames from analog video?)

Jonathan Billings billings at negate.org
Sun May 26 17:10:21 EDT 2013

On Sweetmorn, the 73rd of Discord, 3179 , Michael Mikowski said:
> Remind me again why I use Yahoo mail?
> It appears all my links were stripped from my post.  So here they
> are in-line: 

This probably isn't Yahoo's fault, but the fact that Mailman's default
setting is to convert HTML messages to plain-text messages (or to use
the plain-text part in multi-part messages) by default.

It's probably better to use in-line URLs with plain text anyway --
it's easier for MUAs to display the message and more trustworthy for
people to visit links.

Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>

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