[mdlug] rasp. pi cluster?

Dean Durant mdlug at wowway.com
Tue Jul 30 14:52:00 EDT 2013

They guy at the U in Boise I thought talked about this. I thought it was ethernet, not USB. Am I mistaken? 

----- Original Message -----
On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 09:20:59AM -0400, Dean Durant wrote: 
> Hello, is there any chance there are enough people who want to build 
> a raspberry pi cluster? Would it be useful to anyone? This guy did 
> it: 
> http://coen.boisestate.edu/ece/files/2013/05/Creating.a.Raspberry.Pi-Based.Beowulf.Cluster_v2.pdf 
> If 32 people each put up $64 (or vice-versa), it's enough money for 
> the material. I have the money for the whole thing, but I couldn't 
> build it on my own. If I was going to put up the money, I would want 
> to rent time on it. Anyone who helped build it could make money, the 
> club could get some of the money. I would just like it to pay for 
> itself. 

What kind of computing jobs would you run on a Rasberry Pi cluster? 
It has a rather slow interconnect (via the USB bus) so it wouldn't be 
a particularly useful cluster for jobs requiring nodes to send a lot 
of data between nodes or to a central storage. 

Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org> 
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