[mdlug] seek some suggestions for installing linux

Jeff Hanson jhansonxi at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 16:28:39 EST 2012

If the email is stored in the client (POP) instead of on the server (IMAP)
then it's probably in your home directory in a hidden subdirectory (name
starts with a period).  Otherwise it may be in /var/mail.

With proprietary software installed system-wide (not in /home) it's
probably easiest to just reinstall it in whatever form it came in (package
or shell script).  Licenses could be on a remote server, in the app's
install directory, in /etc somewhere or in your home directory.

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 3:56 PM, Ching-Yi <ch.man_tw at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I plan to install SUSE linux in my laptop Lenovo R400.
> I just bought a new hard drive (500 GB).
> The original hard drive contains SUSE Linux 11.1 and windows vista. This
> is a dual boot system.
> I have emails and some license software in SUSE Linux.
> After
>  I install SUSE 12.2 in thid new hard drive, how do I copy all
> dependency of these software and emails to the new hard drive?
> Could you give me some guidance or links I can check? Thanks for your
> reading.
> Ching-Yi
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