[mdlug] Advice

Garry Stahl tesral at wowway.com
Sat Jun 30 13:56:45 EDT 2012

> It it in the openSUSE repos as well;  I've used it several times.
> U3 thumb drives are the only 'magick partition' setups I've seen that dd
> or fdisk couldn't take care of.
> I've had SD cards go unreadable before.  But a "dd if=/dev/zero
> of=/dev/ds? bs=512" followed by a repartitioning has always fixed them.
> I've no idea what actually happens.  And those repaired card have
> continued to work afterwards for years.

It is a sandisk drive.  I'l give that a try.

> -- Garry AKA --Phoenix-- Rising above the Flames. Politically I have 
> given up on being an anything-arian. I am for accountability and 
> nothing else. Hold the government, in specific the office holders, 
> elected or appointed, accountable for all actions taken in office. 
> Authority must be granted grudgingly and reluctantly. When it is 
> abused it must be snatched away at once. Be it a minimum wage screener 
> at the TSA or the President of the United States. Star Trek mort. Viva 
> la Star Trek admiraetur The Olde Phoenix Inn 
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