[mdlug] CRT

Michael Rudas audiotech50 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 12:24:37 EDT 2011

--- Garry Stahl wrote:

> Older monitor I use with the Amigas.  It syncs down to their level.
> However it is not as limited as the actual Commodore monitors I have.  So
> yes, I want it repaired.

I am quite familiar with the Amiga-compatible multi-sync monitors (I
have fixed many of them over the years), and probably can repair
it--unless it's a bad CRT.  Since they were compatible with Amiga
(NTSC scan and signal compatible) they are hard to replace now--no
standard PC monitor will work the same.  Drop me a note off-list and
we'll get it going.

~~ Michael Rudas
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