[mdlug] Marketing Linux

Ingles, Raymond Raymond.Ingles at compuware.com
Mon Jan 24 13:47:55 EST 2011

> From: David Lane

> IF you had the budget how would you promote Linux?

 As I noted before, Linux doesn't have a problem in the server space. It
doesn't have any problems in the smartphone/tablet space. The only area
where it's underrepresented is in the desktop space.

 The desktop space may well not be critically important going forward,
considering how important the mobile space is becoming. But if you want
desktop adoption, there are a couple ways to do it.

 The main thing is to market desktop Linux to businesses. Large
businesses for the IT savings and convenience and stability. Better
administration, better control of permissions, better dependency
control, better resource usage, better security, less malware. Small
businesses get cost savings and security and less malware. Everyone gets
fewer licensing hassles.

 Once people are using Linux at work, they'll use it at home, too.


 Ray Ingles                                               (313) 227-2317

 "I would like to see something like custom taxes, where you have a base
   of required stuff to pay, and then you have electives where you can
     have your say in the balancing of funds." - hyrdra, on Slashdot

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