[mdlug] Fw: [WLUG] Mailman expert?

mat.enders at gmail.com mat.enders at gmail.com
Mon May 3 14:28:50 EDT 2010

Forwarded from WLUG list
------Original Message------
From: Michael P. Monan
Sender: owner-linux-users at lugwash.org
To: linux-users
Subject: [WLUG] Mailman expert?
Sent: May 3, 2010 14:21

Hi all...

We're looking to pay someone for some hourly time for some mailman
augmentations... Anyone have any specific experience with the package and
interacting with it?


Mike Monan

Mike Monan | monan at acm.org | M : 734-657-1542
<http://monan.net> | <http://switchbackcms.com> | <http://techreprieve.com>

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Sometimes, exhausted / with toil and endeavour, / I wish I could sleep / for
ever and ever; / but then this reflection / my longing allays: / I shall be
doing it / one of these days. -Piet Hein, poet and scientist (1905-1996)
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