[mdlug] Webserver

Aaron Kulkis akulkis00 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 25 11:31:54 EDT 2010

Garry Stahl wrote:
> I am considering setting up one of my older computers as an Intranet web
> server   Anything I need to do (other than obviously run Apache) and
> connect it to the network? 
> I'm not looking for Internet accessibility.  (Can't afford the fixed IP
> for starters.)

If you want internet accessibility, configure your router to forward
all http requests to the 192.169.x.y IP that you assign to it.
[all 192.168....  addresses are never routable over the general
internet, as they are reserved space for private networks, such
as any household network].

> I have never run a web server or configured one.  Yes, I'm still using
> openSUSE and don't plan to stop.

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