[mdlug] Is the "Wintel" monopoly slipping away?

Michael Rudas audiotech50 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 25 13:30:11 EST 2010

--- Michael Rudas wrote:

> Is the "Wintel" monopoly slipping away?
> Somehow, I doubt that Windows on ARM is gonna fly...

An issue with this that has not really been mentioned here is that not
only would ARM be a whole new ecosystem for MS (Windows Phone 7 barely
counts), but it would mean that anybody that creates third-party
software for Windows would have to create multiple binaries--a lack of
available third-party software could doom Windows-on-ARM almost from
the start.  Another mystery--exactly how MUCH of Windows is hard-coded
to the x86 architecture?  It can't ALL be written in high-level

~~ Michael Rudas
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