[mdlug] Apache and Config for files outside of www dir

Jonathan Billings billings at negate.org
Mon Aug 30 09:55:30 EDT 2010

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 09:41:58AM -0400, Evan Carew wrote:
> Jonathan,
> I think you've got it. Since I'm developing, and only accessing the
> server from localhost, security isn't a concern. I suspect that there
> are a lot of use cases for developers just like this, where the
> developer simply gives up because he/she can't make it work out of the
> box. I nearly gave up on FC linux in this case. For reasons related to
> PPtP, I may be switching to Ubuntu anyway as their implementation works
> much better than the FC equivalent. If Ubuntu gives me the same amount
> of trouble as I got from FC11, I may be switching to Mac some time in 2011.

Well, Ubuntu uses Yet Another Linux Security/Auditing layer called
AppArmor, which has it's own way of doing things too.

Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>

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