[mdlug] OT: Microsoft Monopoly

David Lane dcl400m at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 18 13:30:28 EDT 2010

(OT; But it is on topic because Linux resources are being replaced by windows)
Recently I was informed that a Linux server is being replaced by a windows 2008 
server.  I started to think about “Microsoft Monopoly” case. MS must have a very 
good legal team. 

But I still think that Microsoft is leveraging to move Linux out. I hate it when 
good performing resources are replaced by Windows Servers, “Because it is easier 
to support.” If Microsoft were not “anti-trust” the applications division would 
have ported MS Office to Linux. 

I buy and use MS products, sure but sometimes it is because I have to. Not 
because it is my first choice. MS leaves me with no other choices.  And that is 
why I feel MS is “anti-trust.”
David C. Lane 


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